Last updated: 16/3/99
ExplanationAppleScript supports several classes.
Under construction.
Plural Form
The plural form of an object may always be referenced as "every <class>". But it may also be referred to by its plural form. This is usually just the singular form with an "s" added, but some words require special plural forms, such as axis -> axes, vertex -> vertices.Elements
The elements of a object class are those other classes which can be contained by it.Containers
The containers of a object class are those other classes which can contain it.Properties
A property is an attribute of the class. AppleScript can get the value of a property and, unless that property is read only, set it to another value. The value of a particular property may be one of a variety of classes, such as integer, text, record, or a special data structure such as a bounding rectangle consisting of a list of four integers.Events
The properties of a class appear here in a table, showing property, class (of that property), and description.
The application has a suite of events, listed separately in the dictionary from the class list. However, each event only works with a subset of the classes. For instance, AppleScript can close a window, but not a word. So, each class listed here also lists the events which it supports. Some, which it should support but don't, are listed with the failure or the peculiar requirements.Sub classes
Sub classes share the same support for properties and events as their parent class, while having more specific ones of their own. Sub classes exist in the same level as their parent in the hierarchy of elements and containers.Inheritance
A class inherits its support for properties and events from a single parent
property |
class |
description |
class | class [r/o] |
The class identifier for the object. Its value is always date. |
weekday | constant |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun |
month | constant |
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December or Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec |
year | integer |
. |
time | integer |
number of seconds since midnight. |
date string | text |
date portion of the date value. |
short date string | text |
date portion of the date value, in short format, eg 10/9/1999. |
day | integer |
calendar day of month |
time string | text |
. |
&, +, , =, , >, ³, <, ², comes before, comes after, as.Inheritance
of, in, relative to
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