AppleScript Editor Opinion |
2000.06.28 |
http://www.barefeetware.com /applescript/opinion/ |
Have Your Say |
Our main script editors page distills the various editors down to a feature by feature check list. However, the overall experience of using a script editor can not be read entirely from such a clinical analysis. So, this page welcome free form input of from readers and reviews, giving individual experiences and perspective. |
Comparison |
Return to the main tabulated comparison page. |
Contribute |
These opinions have been extracted from email discussion lists and email sent directly to us. We welcome contributions, but reserve the right to edit. Suggestions for additions to the comparison tables are particularly welcome. |
Postings |
View our list of emails extracted from emails sent to us and to AppleScript discussion lists. BareFeetWare edits appear in [brackets]. |
Scripter 2.2 Review |
The AppleScript Source Book reviewed Scripter 2.2. |
Smile Review in theAppleScript Source Book |
The AppleScript Source Book reviewed Smile. |
Smile Review |
The UKs MacUser magaizine reviewed Smile 1.6.8. |
Smile vs |
One of Smiles help documents compares Smile and Apples Script Editor. |
MacScripter |
MacScripter gives a short overview of the script editors. |