Last updated: 17/2/99
set variablePattern to expressionget
get expression [as className ]copy
( copy | put ) expression ( to | into ) variablePatterncount
count [ each | every ] className ( in | of ) compoundValueerror
number of compoundValue
number of pluralClassName ( in | of ) referenceToObject ]
length of compoundValue
[ errorMessage ]
[ number errorNumber ]
[ from offendingObject ]
[ partial result resultList ]
[ to expectedType ]
run referenceToApplicationReferences
some classNameevery
every classNamefilter
referenceToObjectwhose boolean
classNameID IDvalue
middle classNamename
className stringnamed string
every className from reference to referencerelative
pluralClassName from reference to reference
className integer (through | thru ) integer
pluralClassName integer (through | thru ) integer
className( before | front of | in front of ) reference
referencein containerReference
referenceof containerReference
containerReferences reference
Containment Operators* + - ÷ / ^ div mod and not or
start[s] with
list(starts with | begins with ) list
listends with list
listcontains list
list(does not contain | doesnt contain ) list
list( is in | is contained by ) list
Precedence Operators= equals equal to is is equal to
does not equal doesnt equal is not is not equal to isnt isnt equal to
Control Statements< comes before less than is less than
> comes after greater than is greater than
tell referenceToObject to statementif
tell referenceToObject
[ statement ] ...end tell
if boolean then statementrepeat
if boolean then
[ statement ] ...else if boolean then
[ statement ] ...else
[ statement ] ...end if
repeat [ integer times | while boolean | until boolean ]exit
[ statement ] ...end repeat
repeat with variable from integer to integer [ by integer ]
[ statement ] ...end repeat
repeat with variable in list
[ statement ] ...end repeat
[ statement ] ...on error
[ errorMessage ]end ( error | try )
[ number errorNumber ]
[ from offendingObject ]
[ partial result resultList ]
[ to expectedType ]
[ global variable [, variable ] ... ]
[ local variable [, variable ] ... ]
[ statement ] ...
considering attribute [, attribute, ... and attribute ] [ but ignoring attribute ...]ignoring
[ statement ] ...end considering
ignoring attribute [, attribute, ... and attribute ] [ but considering attribute ...]with timeout
[ statement ] ...end ignoring
with timeout of integer second[s]Handlers - Labeled
[ statement ] ...end timeout
subroutine define
( on | to ) subroutineNamesubroutine call
end subroutineName[ (of | in) directParamaterVariable ][ global variable [, variable ] ... ]
[ subroutineParamLabel paramVariable ] ...
[ given label : paramVariable [, label : paramVariable ] ...
[ local variable [, variable ] ... ]
[ statement ] ...
Needs checking( on | to ) subroutineName
subroutineParamLabel[ directParamaterVariable ]
[ subroutineParamLabel paramVariable ] ...
[ label : paramVariable [, label : paramVariable ] ...
The subroutineParamLabel may be one of: above, against, apart from, around, aside from, at, below, beneath, beside, between, by, for, from, instead of, into, on, onto, out of, over, through, thru, under.Handlers - Position
subroutine define
( on | to ) subroutineName ( [paramVariable [, paramVariable ] ... )subroutine call
[ statement ] ...end subroutineName
subroutineName( [paramVariable [, paramVariable ] ... )
Attribute Constantsit me pi result return space tab
(for considering and ignoring statements)
application responses case diacraticals expansion hyphens punctuation white space
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