Last updated: 1999.10.15
These scripts deal with saving, opening and converting files.
Some sample scripts appear below. General installation and use instructions appear on our scripts page. This page is part of BareFeetWare's AppleScripting AppleWorks project.
Paste File Path
Pastes the front document's path (eg "Macintosh HD:Documents:My Resume") into the front document (ie at the insertion point or selection). Requires the "set clipboard to" scripting addition, part of Mac OS 8.x and greater or Jon's Commands.Script
Written by BareFeetWare 1999.10.15, as suggested by Hagen Lang.
Part of the Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks
Auto Save
To have AppleWorks periodically save all open modified documents. Any new documents which have never been saved will instead prompt a verbal "Please save new documents". Author: BareFeetWare.Script
Download: Auto Save. Last modified 1999.08.01.Usage
To enable auto save, just run this application. To turn off auto save, quit this application.Modification
To change the number of minutes between saves, change the line at the top of the script:
property minutesBetweenSaves : 10
to another value. The example is set for 10 minutes.
Auto Save Q5
This is a stay-open AppleScript applet that will auto save all open docs with unsaved changes, and (hopefully), as long as one of them is* running, not fuss about whether you are running AppleWorks or ClarisWorks.Script
Written by Jim Yost
Download: Auto Save Q5. Last updated 1999.04.06.
A basic file saver application. It runs in the background and updates every open CW/AW document at a time specified by the user prompt. If the user quits CW/AW, the application will quit shortly afterwards. The user can also quit the file saver from the Application menu.Script
NB: this script does not (yet) make backup copies. It only saves open documents.
If the user leaves a new, unsaved document open, the script will prompt for a save.
Written by Hugh Dixon, March 1999. With due credit to BareFeetWare for elements of this script.
Download: SaviourConvert to AppleWorks
Download: Convert to AppleWorks Author: BareFeetWare.
Drag a selection of files onto this applet in the Finder. Each file will be opened by AppleWorks, saved in native AppleWorks format and replace the original.
Convert To CW4
Download: Convert to CW4 Author: BareFeetWare.
Drag a selection of files onto this applet in the Finder. Each file will be opened by AppleWorks, saved as ClarisWorks 4.0 format with ".cw4" appended to the file name.
Modifications are included in the code to change the output to any other file format, such as JPEG, DBF, RTF etc.
Convert To Excel
ContactDownload: Convert to Excel Author: BareFeetWare.
Drag a selection of files onto this applet in the Finder. Each file will be opened by AppleWorks, saved as Excel 4.0 format with ".xls" appended to the file name.
Modifications are included in the code to change the output to any other file format, such as JPEG, DBF, RTF etc.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
© 1999 BareFeetWare
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