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AppleWorks :
Last updated: 1999.08.19
InstallationAlthough undocumented and probably unsupported, AppleWorks supports PhotoShop compatible Plug-Ins, which are also used by other image processing applications.
AppleWorks for Mac also supports AppleWorks scripts, which are similar to plug-ins but can affect any content, not just painting.
UsageWhen entering the paint environment (eg when a new blank paint document is created or editing a paint frame), AppleWorks looks for a folder called "AppleWorks Plug-Ins" in the AppleWorks folder (ie at the same level as the AppleWorks Scrips folder). If the AppleWorks Plug-Ins folder exists, the menu item "Plug-In Effects..." is added to the Transform menu.
The AppleWorks Plug-Ins folder does not actually need to contain any files. It just has to exist to enable the plug-ins feature.
ExamplesDo this:
- Select an area of painting document or frame (more reliable) with a selection tool (rectangular or lasso).
- Select the menu item Plug-In Effects... in the Transform menu.
- A standard Open dialog box appears. Locate a PhotoShop compatible plug-in.
- Fill in the parameters of that plug-in.
CompatibleThe following examples were created in paint frames within a draw document, using each plug-in's default settings.
More Plug-Ins TestedOnly Filter Plug-ins (file type 8BFM) work with AppleWorks. The Import and Export Plug-ins are not displayed in the open dialog. So plug-ins such as scanning, Anti-Aliased PICT, Paths to Illustrator, PICT Resource, GIF89a Export are not available.
The following filter plug-ins were tested briefly. Note that RAM allocation may make a difference. Some plug-ins only give a meaningful result for depth (Resolution & Depth in the Format menu) of 24 bit (millions) or perhaps 16 bit (thousands). More stable and reliable results can be obtained by using paint frames (eg in a draw document) than in a paint document.
If an error is encountered, subsequent attempts to use any plug in may result in plain white output, until AppleWorks is relaunched.
Plug in Result ASI 3-D Demo interface blank Clouds No interface. Just fills black. Color Halftone OK Crystallize OK De-Interlace OK Distortions:All error -30900 Extrude OK Intellihance CMYK error -30101 Intellihance GS error -30101 Lens Flare OK Mezzotint OK Pointillize OK Radial Blur OK Solarize OK Tiles OK Variations interface blank Wind OK
Other Sources for Plug-InsA long list of more plug-ins from various software packages have also been tested. About 150 plug-ins have at least minimal compatibility with AppleWorks.
A few sites with more PhotoShop plug ins:
If you know of other sites or how well some plug-ins work with AppleWorks, please tell us.
BareFeetWare : AppleScript : AppleWorks : Plug-Ins