TroubleShooting |
2000.06.04 |
http://www.barefeetware.com/appleworks/trouble/ |
Introduction |
If you have trouble installing or using any of the scripts in the Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks, then try the solutions offered here. |
Enhancement |
Add 40 new features to AppleWorks. See this link for tips specific to each script. |
Contact us |
If you have a problem that is not discussed in the information below or the documentation for the particular script in question, please email us so we can try to solve the problem. |
The Installer application included with the Enhancement Pack should install the scripts in the correct location.Compatibility
- If youve had trouble downloading the software, please read the instructions carefully on our download page. Note that the URL that you are sent is only temporary, so email when youre ready to download.
- The installer uses AppleScripts standard choose file scripting addition. This has some limitations such as: you cant open an alias of a folder you must navigate to the original AppleWorks file; you cant drag and drop a folder into the dialog box.
- If the installer should work for English (USA, British etc), German, French, Swiss and Swedish versions of AppleWorks/ClarisWorks 5 and 6. If it fails to locate your Scripts folder, the installer will display an editable path as AppleWorks Essentials:Scripts:, which you can change to match your copy of AppleWorks (eg Wichtige AppleWorks Dateien:Skipte for German). If you have such an error on a fresh install of AppleWorks, please let us know the name of your versions Scripts folder.
The Enhancement Pack has been tested with AppleWorks 6 and 5 on Mac OS 9, 8.5.1 and 8.1. If you experience problems such as unexpected quit, freeze or strange results, try these steps:Set Up
- Ensure that you have AppleScript installed. AppleScript is part of the standard Mac OS install from System 7.5 and above. AppleScript 1.3.7 or later (included with Mac OS 8.6) is recommended.
- Mac OS 9 has a bug that sometimes halts script execution when accessing other applications (such as the Finder). If you see the beach ball cursor stop spinning for over 5 seconds, try clicking on the desktop to activate the Finder, at which point the script should continue. Enhancement Pack version 1.0.3 and later usually handles this bug.
- Some scripts, such as Index and Audit Fields, need to locate support documents in the Scripts Support folder. This should work for English (USA, British, Australian etc), French, German, Swiss and Swedish versions of AppleWorks/ ClarisWorks 5 and 6. If a script complains that a file cant be found, please let us know, along with the name of your versions AppleWorks Essentials, Scripts and Scripts Support folders.
If a script does not seem to run, affects the wrong document or gives an error about file names, try:Speed
- Ensure that you do not have two documents open with the same name, where a script may access the wrong document.
- Avoid document names over 25 characters long. Some scripts make settings documents that add characters to file names (such as .web, .XPref, but must then total no more than 31 characters.
- If another version of AppleWorks/ ClarisWorks launches when you run a script, delete or compress that version before trying the script again. If a script asks you to locate AppleWorks, choose the currently running copy.
If the execution of a script seems unusually slow, try:Screen Refreshing
- Run the script from AppleWorks Scripts menu, not a script editor.
- Close any palettes such as Styles before running the script. AppleWorks will otherwise devote too much time to rapidly updating the palettes with each step in the script.
- Collapse (window shade) the document windows prior to running the script. AppleWorks will otherwise devote significant time updating the contents of the window with each change made by the script. Speed can improve by a factor of 10.
- If you are running a text or word processing script, ensure that you dont have a graphic object or frame selected prior to running the script. Otherwise AppleWorks will flicker the menu rapidly between environments, wasting time.
- Increase AppleWorks memory by two megabytes.
- Use a faster computer. A few scripts are painfully slow on less than a G3 processor.
Despite all its window updating, AppleWorks often leaves areas of a document window not updated when the script is complete. If you do not see the expected results, try:General
- Refresh the window by collapsing and expanding it.
If AppleWorks crashes, freezes or causes other strange problems, then:Please email us any queries about this page.
- Try quitting AppleWorks, relaunching and try the script again.
- Try allocating more memory to AppleWorks at least one or two megabytes. Extra memory makes a big difference to scripts that manipulate whole documents, such as Export for XPress, Web Publish and Table of Contents.
- Refer to the documentation of the specific script, linked from the Enhancement Pack page.
- Try turning off non standard extensions using Extension Manager, and restart.
- Try running the script from OSA Menu instead of AppleWorks Scripts Menu.