Last updated: 99.06.09
BareFeetWare develops many quick and simple utility software programs to meet a specific need for ourselves or a client. Because others may have similar requirements, some of our simple utility programs have been posted here.
You may use these programs freely. Most programs are AppleScript applets which can be modified to suit a specific need. Modifications are permitted, as long as the splash screen still contains acknowledgement of BareFeetWare and our URL.
Some other AppleScript programs are available on our AppleWorks web pages.
BareFeetWare takes no responsibility for the worthiness of these programs. They have had little or no testing. Use at your own risk.
BareFeetWare can be contracted to develop custom software which may be based on some of the utilities which appear here, or to add user friendly graphical user interfaces.
On a UNIX machine, a common requirement if to filter a text file so that all lines in it containing a particular string are output to a new file, using the grep command. This SimpleGrep utility does the same thing.
To use Histogram File Sizes:
- Select a folder, disk, bunch of folders or files in the Finder.
- Run this applet from the Apple menu or drag the items onto this applet.
- When asked, enter the number of bytes as the range for each bin of the histogram. eg entering "10000" will count all files between 0 and 9999 bytes in the first bin, all files from 10000 bytes (10 kBytes) to 19999 bytes in the second and so on.
- The applet will build a histogram, counting the number of files in the selection (and in selected folders) with sizes in each range.
- When asked, save the histogram file.
- The histogram file can be opened in SimpleText to view the count for each size range, or opened in a spreadsheet to build a graphical chart.
To use Cascade Windows:
Useful for preparing a hard disk prior to writing to a CD.
- Select one or more disks or folders in the Finder.
- Lauch this applet from the Apple Menu (or Automated Tasks in the Apple Menu).
- Enter the starting level for the root container (usually zero).
- Each folder will be opened, viewed by name, sized and positioned so that each title bar is visible when the user opens embedded folders.
An annoying limitation exists in the Finder. If the user drags several files which have the same name, to the trash, the Finder does not allow it, asking the user to manually trash one by one. Instead, the files can be dropped onto this Delete one by one program, which will trash the items one by one to satisfy the Finder.
This is especially useful for trashing several files from the result window of a Find.
Deletes the data fork of a file, leaving the resource fork untouched. Useful for deleting the mail messages from a SIMS account file without damaging the account settings.
Drag one or more files onto the Delete Data Fork program. No questions asked, the data fork is just deleted.
Select a folder or disk then run this Delete Zero Sized Folders applet. All folders in the selected item which contain nothing, empty folders or zero sized files, will be trashed.
Place this Startup Delayed applet in the Startup Items folder. Place any items which you wish to startup after a delay in a "Startup Delayed" folder in the System Folder. After 2 minutes, the Startup Delayed Items will be launched.
Useful for delaying servers at startup until file sharing has started.
Drop a file onto this Show Path applet. A dialog will show the full path to that file, in the form "Hard Disk:my folder:my file". This can be copied for pasting elsewhere.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
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