AppleWorks |
2000.10.30 |
http://www.barefeetware.com /appleworks/ |
Why AppleWorks? |
Every new iMac and iBook ships with a copy of AppleWorks. AppleWorks is one of the most elegantly simple programs available, but this often hides some of its more powerful capabilities. This site exploits some of the less used features of AppleWorks and, in particular AppleScript scripts. |
Enhancement Pack |
The Enhancement Pack adds 40 features to AppleWorks 6 including Table of Contents, database Web Publishing, Dashed Lines, Small Caps, Linear Regression, Export for XPress, and much more. Just run the installer to add the new features to your menu. |
AppleWorks 6 |
AppleWorks 6 ships with 14 scripts from BareFeetWares Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks. |
We are updating this site with links to dozens of scripts for AppleWorks 5 and 6. Please bear with us during the reconstruction. |
AppleWorks 6 |
Read all about AppleWorks 6, with links to reviews and tips as they are published. |
Tutorial: Scripting |
Get the most out of the AppleWorks Scripts menu and add more features to AppleWorks. The first two tutorials show how to use and customize some sample scripts, by simply selecting menu items. The subsequent tutorials show you how to write your own scripts from scratch and, best of all, actually understand what youre doing :-) |
AppleScript Primer |
Do you want to learn how to script AppleWorks? Read the AppleScript Primer series of articles in AWUGs AppleWorks Journal (subscription is about US$30 per year). The series is aimed at those who know nothing about AppleScript. Topics include modifying existing scripts, classes and events, properties, tell statements, inheritance and more. |
Problems |
If you are trying to write scripts for AppleWorks 5 or 6, check our list of known problems to save banging your head against a brick wall. |
Convert |
If you have a pile of old Word, WordPerfect, ClarisDraw or MacDraw documents that you cant open in AppleWorks, you may wish to make use of our conversion service or do it yourself using some of the suggestions provided. |
Purpose |
Understand why we suggest that exploiting AppleScript support in AppleWorks can change the world :-) |
Comments |
Please let us know what you think of these AppleWorks resources and scripts. |
Jagged Printing |
When printing from AppleWorks, some objects may print at 72 dpi (screen resolution) instead of the printer's resolution (usually 300 dpi or over). These objects stand out as having "jagged edges". Some fixes and workarounds explained here. |
Scanned Images |
Learn how to place scanned images in an AppleWorks, so that it doesnt run out of memory. |
Web Publish |
AppleWorks can publish various content as web pages. There are a few tricks and bugs to watch out for. |
PhotoShop |
AppleWorks 5 supports many PhotoShop plug-ins, which can add over 100 painting features. |
Links |
Here are several free on-line resources, tutorials, discussion forums and other general AppleWorks goodies. |
Extras |
Do you need some extra functionality that AppleWorks does not provide? Check our list of third party extras. |
Contact Us |
Please dont send us general AppleWorks questions, unless you want paid support services. BareFeetWare specializes in scripting AppleWorks and we freely provide resources for that purpose. Otherwise, use the forums on the above links page. |