AppleWorks 6 CD Scripts |
2000.06.12 |
http://www.barefeetware.com/appleworks/aw6cd/ |
14 Scripts in |
AppleWorks 6 ships with 14 scripts from BareFeetWare, listed in the Scripts Menu. These are just a sample of whats available. As they are published, the links below provide a more detailed description. | |
Enhancement Pack |
Upgrade now. The scripts included with the AppleWorks 6 CD are just a sample of those included in BareFeetWares Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks 6. The Enhancement Pack includes later versions of some scripts and over 20 additional scripts such as Table of Contents, Index, Database Web Publish, document Compare, Dashed Lines. |
Database |
Database scripts work on the open database document, visible (found) records, the selected records or current record. Only one database script is included on the AppleWorks 6 CD. |
Duplicate Record |
Duplicates the current record any number of times. |
More |
Upgrade to the Enhancement Pack to add: Audit Fields, Compare, Replace, Web Publish (live database searching via a web browser). |
Drawing |
Drawing scripts alter graphic objects in the drawing area of most documents. |
Join Prism |
Select two rectangles then run this script to join their corners to make a prism. |
Text Along Arc |
Places the characters from the selected text in a circular pattern around the selected arc. |
More |
Upgrade to add: Compare Text Frames, Dashed Lines, Grow, Show Properties. |
Functions |
Function scripts are not generally accessed through the Scripts Menu. You call them from the AppleWorks MACRO function. |
Linear Regression |
Linear Regression calculates the slope and intercept of the line that best fits a series of x-y data points. |
More |
Functions in the Enhancement Pack can be selected from a list, do not clutter the Scripts Menu, are faster and add: Lookup (database relationships), Median, Mode, Rank. |
Spreadsheet |
Spreadsheet scripts affect the selected cells or the active spreadsheet document. |
Draw Cell |
Since AppleWorks 6 still doesnt provide thick cell borders for spreadsheets, this script draws lines above the borders, which you can thicken, recolor or pattern. |
Negative Cells Red |
Changes the text color to red in any selected cells whose value is negative. |
Text |
Text scripts operate on the current text selection. The AppleWorks installaer actually places these scripts in the Word Processing folder. |
Small Caps |
Formats selected text in capitals (upper case) with smaller size font for trailing letters. |
Title Caps |
Capitalizes the first letter of each word except prepositions (eg to, in, from) and articles (a, the). |
Word Caps |
Capitalizes the first letter of each selected word. |
More |
Upgrade to the Enhancement Pack to add: Fraction, Lower Case, Upper Case, Paste Plain Text, Unwrap Lines. |
Universal |
These scripts do not require a particular type of document. Some dont even require any document to be open. |
Copy File's Path |
Copies the active documents file path (such as Macintosh HD:Documents:My Memo) to the clipboard, so you can paste it anywhere you like. |
Reveal in Finder |
Switches to the Finder and selects the icon of the active AppleWorks document. |
More |
If you upgrade, you also receive: Batch Convert Files, Copy Function Script, List Disks & Space. |
Word Processing |
Word Processing scripts operate on the whole document. |
Extract Containing |
Asks you for a search phrase, then copies all paragraphs containing that phrase to a new document. |
Find |
Hilights any words repeated like this this, allowing you to delete or skip to the next. |
More |
Upgrade to the Enhancement Pack to add: Compare, Export for XPress, Index, Convert Labels, Table of Contents, and Web Publish. |