AppleWorks Scripting Comments |
2001.02.19 |
http://www.barefeetware.com /appleworks/comments/ |
Who says? |
Below are some comments sent to us and grabbed from public forums and submitted email, about the usefulness of this site and how AppleScript support in AppleWorks impacts work flow. |
Tell us |
We welcome feedback from you about our AppleWorks script resources. |
AppleWorks 5 |
A lot of earlier comments appear here. |
Jeffrey L. McLean |
When ClarisWorks 5 came out, I wanted it mainly because it was scriptable, but the part I wanted to script the most, was not very scriptable, the Database Module... Like most people, I was ready for the scripting part to be updated. So I decided to skip AppleWorks 6 (AW 7b) and wait. Version 5 is still workable, scripting wise, and attachable with buttons. Not only with the short buttons in the button bar, but in the body of the database document... |
Chris Adams |
These pages have been very helpful to me as I try to figure out how to script AppleWorks. Thank you very much! |
David |
After playing around with scripts a little I've began to tackle scripting in a serious way now. AW6 is so powerful when you add scripting. the improved scriptability has really sold me |
Geoffrey Heard |
With this sort olf pointy stick stimulation plus the appropriate information, it is getting very difficult indeed to avoid spending the holidays learning AppleScript. Oh dang ... 8-D> |
Carl Dotson |
AppleWorks isn't Adobe or Microsoft but you can accomplish more than you might expect with a little creative thinking, even more so with folks like [BareFeetWare] around. |
Geoffrey Heard |
I am setting up E-MERGE... I am using ... the [BareFeetWare] WP script for "Save Merged". That saves a merged file as separate AW 5 documents instead of printing it. Then I go into finder, select all the merged files ... go to the script menu again, Universal Scripts, and "Batch Convert"... I select "Text" as the file type and the "Dispatch" folder in the Nisus Email folder, as the destination... then the files start to convert and save with a most satisfying swoosh sound from Nisus Email, which automatically starts munching away sending the new emails as they hit the despatch folder. What an opportunity, folks, to amaze your MS Weird and PC toting friends! |
Bill Wood |
[BareFeetWare] have provided excellent scripting articles, which I have collected, and put separately into a work book. Scripting will be a winter project of mine. |
Dave Bergum |
Your tutorial is wonderful. I have been programming on Mainframes, Vaxen, and Unix for most of my professional career, but never knew anything about applescript. I like to use macs for portable computing over pcs, and decided it was time to learn about it. So I did a search and found your tutorial. It is great! It is concise and packed with information. |
Tim Brophy |
Your scripts are really great. I am the Deputy Principal of a school in Ireland that is attempting to equip our first year students with Apple iBooks. I teach Mathematics and Physics myself. I am very interested in your regression script for Physics experiments. |
AppleWorks Journal August/September |
AWUG members who want more features in AppleWorks should look at [BareFeetWare's] Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks. Installing the Enhancement Pack adds 40 menu-driven features to AppleWorks 6 features that let you export documents to QuarkXPress, find repeated words, create an index or table of contents, format selected text as upper-case, title caps, or small caps, create fractions, unwrap lines, compare word processor documents, draw dashed lines, precisely resize objects, place text along an arc, turn negative spreadsheet entries red, compare databases, duplicate records, perform linear regression, calculate medians and much more... |
Sal |
you've done a tremendous job with your scripting tools for AppleWorks 6.0. They are indispensible. Thank you. I wish we had done a better job of supporting you and others by getting the message out. |
Martin G. Kaiser |
Wow, first time ever in 10 years authoring texts on Mac and PC where I'd see a function to fine-tune text beyond mere spellchecking in a word (!) processing package! Now *that* has gotten me around to install AW6. |
MacAddict News 2000.09.15 |
If you're using AppleWorks as your primary suite of office applications, you should definitely check out the latest version of the shareware AppleWorks Enhancement Pack. It adds over 40 new features to AppleWorks and (among other things) simplifies the process of publishing your AppleWorks documents to the Web. |
Australian |
Tricks for Six - Make the most of AppleWorks 6. The Scripts menu contains a subset of the Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks by [BareFeetWare], which includes Export for XPress (exports paragraph style names, bold and italic character styles and some other information), Linear Regression [with figure] and Text Along Arc [with figure]. The AppleScript support in AppleWorks 6 is an improvement on previous versions. If you are interested in creating your own scripts, [BareFeetWare] presents a growing series of AppleScript Tutorials using AppleWorks... also maintains a useful AppleWorks 6 news page. |
Computer User |
Must Have Items for AppleWorks 6: if you want to pump up AW, you can purchase the latest version and a handful of enhancement-adding utilities and still spend slightly less cash and consume lots less RAM than you would with Office 98... [BareFeetWare's] Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks, which provides 40 extra features (some of them quite Office-like) ... Once installed, these enhancements are accessed simply by selecting the new menu items in AppleWorks. |
Australian |
MacWorld Australia magazines Off-the-Net column comments on [BareFeetWare's] Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks: Using some cool AppleScripts, the Enhancement Pack for AppleWorks adds a heap of extra functions to AppleWorks 5 or 6. |
Geoffrey Heard |
I've been looking at [BareFeetWare's] AppleScript enhancement pack, and we are missing some very nice scriptable features by not upgrading. |
James Rae Smith |
I have started trying to teach myself scripting and have found your web site a most useful resource. |
Glen Greenway |
I especially like Unwrap lines. It is a huge time saver when I am copying and pasting email messages into Appleworks (which I do frequently). |
Friedemann Badow |
I really try to get into making more use of your scripts, and [Unwrap Lines] is one for which I will have much use. I made a special folder just for your messages to the AW board. |
Barry |
The scripting experts for AppleWorks are [BareFeetWare]. If it can be done with a script, you'll probably find the information at their site. |
lc |
[BareFeetWare] does a lot for the AW-using community. Along with presenting your product, your site also offers a lot of free, useful information... Communicating with members of lists like this is a way to find out what users like/need. Would that Apple followed your example. |
Simon Hayman |
[BareFeetWare] provided these "new" features to AppleWorks, NOT Apple. Although to Apple's credit they were included in AppleWorks 6 release by Apple. AppleScripts... that are written involve no technical expertise except selecting them (appropriately) from the Scripts menu. |
Bill Wood |
AW users are screaming for a decent package, .. to the point where [BareFeetWare] (bless them) are trying to keep users like me interested. What are Apple doing? The only thing keeping AW alive are (us) die hard AW fans, and [BareFeetWare]. Maybe [BareFeetWare] should take the whole mess and make it something we all like. |
Bill Wood |
[BareFeetWare] are doing their best to fill some of the gaps in AW5 and 6. |
Bill Wood |
I think I'll switch back [from MS Word to AppleWorks]. I'm going to get a little wish list for you... Scripts are the ticket - no doubt about it |
Anthony Nispel |
The TOC script looks great. My $600 Adobe Indesign 1.5 doesn't even have this feature! |
Neil |
Good luck with your ... AppleWorks scripts. I use a few of those regularly ... and, if anyone's listening, they do a good job. I especially like the one that flows text around a curve and, of course, the table of contents. Loverly! Just a plug 'cos you deserve it. |
Russ Conte |
Our monthly meeting of the AppleWorks class will ... be looking at ... the improved support for scripting ... I'll be showing the features of the Enhancement Pack offered by [BareFeetWare]. I'm not a good script writer, but the scripts in the Enhancement Pack are easy to use, and that's what I'll be showing. It's very well done, and deserves visibility for what it allows AppleWorks 6 to do :) |
Neil Taylor |
Congratulations on getting Apple to fix support for AppleScript in v 6.0. It might be worth getting the upgrade just for that. |
LH |
Thanks! I downloaded the Enhancement Pack just a few moments ago. I've been using Macs for 6 years and AppleWorks for 2 years and I've never used scripts before. |
Stefan Jeglinski |
I think your site is a tremendous resource and I hope it continues to expand. I am recommending to everyone I know with the need that they visit it. |
Denis |
We like your site. We came across it trying to do some automated formatting, and it has been really helpful... Thank you... for running a helpful site. |
Antony |
I'm really disappointed to hear that AppleWorks 6 will not include a spell check event [it was supported in AppleWorks 5]. That frustrates my purpose. I hope there is a scriptable spelling utility... |
Yo |
You folks do a good job. Apple should give you a few bucks for each copy sold, and hard-wire your scripts into Appleworks. |
Kat |
No. You aren't the only one interested in scripting AppleWorks. I'm very interested in scripting it, which is why I can't wait until AW6 is really released. I just hope the release isn't delayed and I can get my copy by the end of February, if that projected date wasn't a rumor. |
Ken |
Just a short personal note to thank you for all of your behind the scenes efforts on behalf of the scripters and would-be scripters of Appleworks. |
Hugh Dixon |
All in all, [using macros is] an administrative nightmare which you may wish to avoid entirely, despite your noble ends. You would be far, far better off using AppleScripts, which can be transferred singly from Mac to Mac and are much more flexible. (You can even call existing macros if you want to). |
Kate Wormington |
[how much AppleScript capability has been included in AppleWorks 6?] Lots and lots and lots. Yes, the bugs have been fixed. And, Tom from [BareFeetWare] has been helping us immensely. He's been one of our most valued beta testers from the start -- and from his awesome feedback -- and the hard work of our just-as-awesome engineering team, we have a great scriptable application for you. |
Kenneth Beckett |
[BareFeetWare] has been a consistent advocate of the value of a scriptable AppleWorks. IMHO his skill is undeniable and he has been prepared to pass his knowledge on not only to would-be scripters through his web pages but obviously has been working hard behind the scenes to help produce a version of AppleWorks with improved scripting. |
Kenneth Beckett |
... We will detail these changes here soon. This site will change rapidly as we absorb and exploit the new features., the last two sentences IMHO is the best news I have heard so far about the new release. |
Dale Gillard |
With the AppleScript improvements [in AppleWorks 6.0] I can shortly see [BareFeetWare] hosting an AScript archive full of gems from [them] and others that all of us will greatly benefit from. |
Kat |
[AppleWorks 6 will be a a great scriptable application] YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! And a very big, ... BIG thanks to [BareFeetWare] for helping the Appleworks team! |